Step-by-step instructions on how to get registered and take the DAT, also gives you info on how to get sample tests.
Lots of self-assessment quizzes to target your weaker subjects (never used this but would appreciate feedback from those who have)
Personal blog of a current dental student entailing his DAT preparation, dental school admissions process, and first years of dental school. He’s very willing to help address any questions/concerns about anything pre-dental, definitely worth a look!
Check out Crack the DAT for great simulated tests (especially for the PAT)
Looking for a study tool for the DAT? Use our unique code uncpdhs19 for a discounted rate on DAT Bootcamp tools.
Dental Schools
Visit this website below to learn about the various dental schools across the US!
We will add links regarding the admissions process, various statistics about dental school, and applying to dental school. For now, check out this site, it has nearly every article imaginable including: the top 10 dental schools, the most expensive dental schools, gaining admissions into dental school, how to ace the DAT, the AADSAS, what to do during your “year-off”, what classes to take during undergrad, the future of dentistry, and many more!
Another helpful site with a ton links to brochures for anything you may have questions about